Team | Davos Sports & Health


Article - Team

For comprehensive medical care

Our team consists of specialists from the disciplines of sports medicine, surgery, exercise science, physiotherapy, medical massage as well as research and teaching.

Among others, Davos Sports & Health looks after the players of the Davos Hockey Club, athletes from Swiss Ski and the students of the Davos Sports High School and the Davos Talent School.

Sports medicine

Dr. med. Walter Kistler, Leiter Davos Sports & Health

Dr. med. Walter Kistler

Chief physician sports medicine and head physician internal medicine

Dr. med. Hans-Curd Frei, Chefarzt und Leiter Chirurgie-Orthopädie

Dr. med. Hans-Curd Frei

Chief surgeon and head of department surgery/orthopaedics

Elena Fernandez Lopez

Dipl. med. Elena Fernandez Lopez

Senior physician sports medicine and internal medicine

Selina Rüegg, Assistenzärztin

Dipl. med. Selina Rüegg

Assistant physician sports medicine

Christina Accola, medizinische Diagnostik

Christina Accola

Medical diagnostics

Kathrin Wolf, Assistenzin Sportmedizin

Kathrin Wolf

Assistant to chief physician sports medicine

Dr. med. Doris Braun

Dr. med. Doris Braun

Senior physician in pediatrics

Andrej Reljic, DSH

Andrej Reljic

Medical consultant

Performance diagnostics, exercise science/research, sports psychology

Dr. sc. nat. Michael Villiger, Bewegungswissenschaft DSH

Dr. sc. nat. Michael Villiger

Head of performance diagnostics, research and teaching

Eva Jäger, Bewegungswissenschaft/DSH

Eva Jäger

Exercise science and research

Patric Eisele, DSH

Patric Eisele, lic. phil I

Sports psychologist

Physiotherapy and medical massage

Roelof Van der Wijk, Leitung Physiotherapie/DSH

Roelof Van der Wijk

Head of physiotherapy

Gabriela Zwyssig Stv. Leitung Physiotherapie

Gabriela Zwyssig

Deputy head of physiotherapy

Martina Friedli, DSH

Martina Friedli

Head of sports physiotherapy

Martina Fritsche Medizinische Massage/DSH

Martina Fritsche

Medical massage

Rätus Affolter, Physiotherapeut/DSH

Raetus Affolter


Jessica Baumann, Physiotherapeutin/DSH

Jessica Baumann


Andrea Junginger, Physiotherapeutin/DSH

Andrea Junginger


Gabriela Koch, Physiotherapeutin/DSH

Gabriela Koch


Rebekka Schaniel, Physiotherapeutin/DSH

Rebekka Schaniel


Ursula Schneider, Physiotherapeutin/DSH

Ursula Schneider

Sports and classical physiotherapist