Article - Team
Our team consists of specialists from the disciplines of sports medicine, surgery, exercise science, physiotherapy, medical massage as well as research and teaching. Among others, Davos Sports & Health looks after the players of the Davos Hockey Club, athletes from Swiss Ski and the students of the Davos Sports High School and the Davos Talent School.For comprehensive medical care
Sports medicine
Chief physician sports medicine and head physician internal medicine
Chief surgeon and head of department surgery/orthopaedics
Senior physician sports medicine and internal medicine
Assistant physician sports medicine
Medical diagnostics
Assistant to chief physician sports medicine
Senior physician in pediatrics
Medical consultant
Performance diagnostics, exercise science/research, sports psychology
Head of performance diagnostics, research and teaching
Exercise science and research
Sports psychologist
Physiotherapy and medical massage
Head of physiotherapy
Deputy head of physiotherapy
Head of sports physiotherapy
Medical massage
Sports and classical physiotherapist